Cummins PT Test Bench

We can supply Cummins PT test bench such as PT injector flow test bench ,fuel pump test bench, fuel pump test device,sealing test device, PT injector dismounting stand,injector stroke test stand etc. These test benches can be used for debugging, repairing and testing the corresponding injectors and fuel pumps.

Cummins PT Test Bench List

Barrel and Plunger
Part NumberType of ConfigurationPart NumberType of ConfigurationPart NumberType of Configuration
3018324Basic N Series3054532Basic N Series3076127K Series STC
3037292Basic K6 Series3058848Basic N Series3627869
3047963N Series Top Stop30697073627868N Series STC
3047964Basic N Series3069718M11 STC3079945N Series STC
3052222N Series STC3076125K Series STC3049996N Series Top Stop
3052254Basic KV Series3076126K Series STC3084892N Series STC
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Choose LongShine for reliable, high-quality Cummins parts and exceptional customer service that ensures your engine runs at its best.

Ordering Process for Cummins PT Test Bench Just in 4 Steps

Inquiry and Quotation

Free free to send us your inquiries, we will provide a detailed quotation based on your needs.

Order Negotiation and Confirmation

We will discuss and confirm the order details, such as price, qty, delivery time, etc and confirm the order.

Payment and Proforma Invoice

Once the order is confirmed, we will send a Proforma Invoice and wait for payment to process. This step helps us stay on track and ensures that everything is ready for the next stage.

Goods Preparation and Delivery

We will arrange for production and shipment to ensure that the products are prepared and delivered on time.

Our Certificate

FAQs about Cummins PT Test Bench

A: We usually provide 3 months’ after-sales service for non-artificial damage from the date of receiving the PT test bench.

A: You can provide more pictures of the test bench so we can check and confirm.

A: Our test bench can be used for the commissioning, maintenance and testing of injectors and pumps for Cummins N, K, L10 and M11 series engines.

A: Our test bench is made in China with our own brand Longshine Disel. But it is with good quality and also with a more favorable price than original Hartridge test bench.